Alternative exon module#

The circtools exon usage module was implemented to detect and analyze differential exon usage in circRNA data sets. As an example, the module may list exons as significant differentially spliced in RNaseR treated sample compared to untreated samples, thus pointing out exons that may be part of a circRNA.

circtools exon requires mapped sequencing reads that are passed to StringTie in order to generate data readable by the ballgown R package.

Required tools and packages#

exon depends on R and a few additional R packages, namely

  • ballgown

  • edgeR

  • ggbio

  • ggfortify

  • openxlsx

  • GenomicRanges

  • GenomicFeatures

The exon circtools module as well as all R dependencies are automatically installed during the circtools installation procedure.

General usage#

A call to circtools exon --help shows all available command line flags:

usage: circtools [-h] -d DCC_DIR -l CONDITION_LIST -c CONDITION_COLUMNS -g
                 CIRCTEST_FILE [-s {mm,rn,hs}] [-H HAS_HEADER]
                 [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-n OUTPUT_PREFIX]

circular RNA exon usage analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

                        Path to the detect/DCC data directory
  -l CONDITION_LIST, --condition-list CONDITION_LIST
                        Comma-separated list of conditions which should be
                        comparedE.g. "RNaseR +","RNaseR -"
                        Comma-separated list of 1-based column numbers in the
                        detect/DCC output which should be compared; e.g.
  -g GROUPING, --grouping GROUPING
                        Comma-separated list describing the relation of the
                        columns specified via -c to the sample names specified
                        via -l; e.g. -g 1,2 and -r 3 would assign sample1 to
                        each even column and sample 2 to each odd column
  -r REPLICATES, --replicates REPLICATES
                        Comma-separated list describing the relation of the
                        samples specified via -g to the sample names specified
                        via -l; e.g. -g 1,2 and -r 3 would assign sample1 to
                        each even column and sample 2 to each odd column
  -b BALLGOWN_DATA, --ballgown-data BALLGOWN_DATA
                        Path to the ballgown data directory
  -G GTF_FILE, --gtf-file GTF_FILE
                        Path to the GTF file containing the employed genome
  -C CIRCTEST_FILE, --circtest-output CIRCTEST_FILE
                        Path to the CircTest CSV file containing the CircTest
  -s {mm,rn,hs}, --species {mm,rn,hs}
                        Organism of the study (used for primer BLASTing), rn =
                        Rattus norvegicus, mm = Mus musculus, hs = Homo

Additional options:
  -H HAS_HEADER, --has-header HAS_HEADER
                        Do the CircTest result files have a header? [Default:

Output options:
                        The output directory for files created by circtools
                        [Default: .]
  -n OUTPUT_PREFIX, --output-prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
                        The output name (prefix) for files created by
                        circtools [Default: exon_analysis]

Generating necessary ballgown data files#

In order to perform per-exon analyses, the circtools exon module requires additional data generated with StringTie. The tutorial assumes, that stringtie has been installed and is available via the $PATH environment.

# download wrapper for Stringtie
chmod 755
mkdir stringtie/

# obtain the annotation of the mouse genome for splice junctions
gzip -d Mus_musculus.GRCm38.90.gtf.gz

cd star/

# run stringtie for all samples
parallel ../ {}/Aligned.noS.bam ../Mus_musculus.GRCm38.90.gtf ../stringtie/{}_StringTieBallgown/ ::: ALL*

circtools exon module call#

After generating all necessary input data, the circtools exon module can now be run via the following command:

circtools exon -d 01_detect/ -r1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4 -l minus,plus -c 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 -g1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 -C 04_circtest/circtest.csv -b ../stringtie/ -G ../Mus_musculus.GRCm38.90.gtf -o 05_exon/ -s mm

Here we have the DCC data located in the folder 01_detect/, the stringtie data are stored in ../stringtie/, the experiment had 2 conditions, listed alternating via -l minus,plus, the samples in the circtools detect data file are sorted in the the order specified via `` -g1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2`` and columns 10-15 are used for the analysis, as specified via -c 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. The genome annotation has to be supplied with the -G ../Mus_musculus.GRCm38.90.gtf flag. Significantly enriched circRNAs from the circtest module have to be passed via -C 04_circtest/circtest.csv, the species for the internal gene ID conversion has been set via -s mm to mouse, the output will be stored in -o 05_exon/.

Using R version 3.5.0 [/usr/bin/Rscript]
Loading required packages
Done loading packages
Loading CircRNACount
Loading CircCoordinates
Starting ballgown processing
Sun Jun 17 21:17:47 2018
Sun Jun 17 21:17:47 2018: Reading linking tables
Sun Jun 17 21:17:48 2018: Reading intron data files
Sun Jun 17 21:17:52 2018: Merging intron data
Sun Jun 17 21:17:54 2018: Reading exon data files
Sun Jun 17 21:18:00 2018: Merging exon data
Sun Jun 17 21:18:02 2018: Reading transcript data files
Sun Jun 17 21:18:05 2018: Merging transcript data
Wrapping up the results
Sun Jun 17 21:18:05 2018
Preparing necessary data structures
Setting treatment and conditions
Found 11031 multi exon genes
Found 1574 single exon genes
Starting dispersion estimation
Fitting model...
Writing bed files...
Writing DCC prediction BED file
Reading and integrating CircTest results
Writing back splice junction enriched BED file
Writing Excel file
Writing additional CSV output
Exon analysis finished

circtools takes some time to process the data and prints out information on its progress.

Output produced by circtools exon#


circRNA-centric view of the exon results in CSV format. Shown are significantly enriched circRNAs merged with the results from the ballgown package.


Exon-centric view of the exon results in CSV format. Shown are differentially spliced exons merged with the circRNA detection and circtest step.


An xlsx Excel file containing 4 work sheets:

  • Exon FDR 1% (ballgown): differentially spliced exons, 1% FDR

  • enriched BSJ FDR 1% (CircTest): enriched circRNAs, 1% FDR

  • Other BSJ FDR 1%: non-annotated circRNAs

  • Exon events: all exons


A BED file with containing only circRNAs predicted by the circtools detect module that also pass the circtools circtest` statistical test. Can be displayed in all common visualization tools like IGV.


A BED file with containing all circRNAs predicted by the circtools detect module. Can be displayed in all common visualization tools like IGV.


A BEDgraph file with fold changes of all differentially spliced exons. Can be displayed in all common visualization tools like IGV.


A BEDgraph file with p-values of all differentially spliced exons. Can be displayed in all common visualization tools like IGV.